PLEASE TREAT OUR STAFF WITH RESPECT they are working in difficult circumstances and following Government guidelines. Whilst having parents attend patient’s appointments would be more convenient for us all, we are limited in the number of people we can have in our waiting room and clinics due to COVID restrictions. We operate differently to Dentists, Doctors and other practitioners. Please don’t be offended when we have to implement the recommended restrictions. We want to stay open and provide a safe environment for our patients and staff.

To provide information about your child’s treatment we have set up systems to assist:

1) Your child can call you from the appointment and put their phone on speaker so that you can communicate throughout the appointment.

2) You can send a note with your child or an email and we will respond

3) We have set up videos on our website under resources with lots of information about appliances and oral hygiene.

4) With patients who are on review, we send a written note for parents, given out at the time of the appointment

5) If your child requires a carer present due to medical needs please discuss with reception in advance to schedule appropriately.

Thank you and Stay Well – Amanda

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